Welcome to Datafile Australia where organising files and documents is what we have been doing for over 40 years! The original colour coding company in Australia continues to innovate today with new products that are more functional, durable and environmentally friendly.

Filing Supplies

Filing Equipment


Accessibility leads to more efficient processes
DATAFILE’s solutions will ensure that the right information is where it is supposed to be – reducing filing errors, improving search times and preventing documents from being misplaced. We help your employees find the information they need, when they need it.

Managed records lowers exposure to risk
In doing so, DATAFILE helps you manage risk and minimise exposure to litigation by developing retention guidelines for the timely and appropriate disposition of documents. DATAFILE provides you with a complete records management system and ensures that you are aware of the vital records you need to protect.

Organised information means lower costs
Together we can refine your records management system to make it less complicated and more efficient. We will help you reduce your storage costs, space requirements and information retrieval time, while lowering your overall labor costs.
Please Login to your MyDatafile Account to view product pricing and place orders.
Common Records Management Issues Debunked
At DATAFILE, we’re committed to your success in managing your records effectively. Our top tips are outlined below, in detail. Contact us if you need any help along the way!
Developing a Plan To Keep You on Track
Every good records management program is built on two crucial components: a functional classification system and a retention schedule. Both are critical if you want to get all the benefits of good records management.
Preparing for Electronic Records Management
The reality is that Electronics Record Management can be a complicated process, and most organisations simply don’t have all of the right resources or experience to ensure a successful outcome. Make sure the necessary framework is in place for your business.
Optimising Your File Storage Space
Using space effectively is a perennial problem for organisations everywhere, and records managers are always under pressure to cut down on their storage footprint. Follow Records Management best practices and use the best equipment to stay ahead of the game.
Managing Paper & Electronic Files Simultaneously
Are you finding managing electronic and paper records in the same environment to be a challenge? You aren’t the only one. Find out our top advice around managing a hybrid environment effectively.
We understand that it’s important to have all the information you need at your fingertips. Download the most updated copies of our brochures so that you can stay up to date with our product range.